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Common Mistakes To Avoid While Preparing for Coding Interviews

Dasharath Sapkale
2 min readJun 30, 2023


1. Trying to Learn Multiple Languages.

Many people think that a knowledge of multiple languages is important for cracking FAANG coding interviews. It is in fact not the case. If you are decent enough with one language and can implement different structures and algorithms.

2. Having No Good Project for Resume

Apart from coding interview preparation, you also need to focus on getting resume shortlisted for the interview. For that, it is really important to have a good working project deployed and its link should be put on the resume.

3. Focusing on Latest Tech Stack for FAANG Coding Interviews.

Having fundamental knowledge of Computer Science Concepts is much more important than any tech stack. Tech stacks keep changing and there is no guarantee that the framework you learn today will stay relevant tomorrow.

4. Unnecessarily targeting advanced Data Structures and Algorithms

Many people, instead of focusing on the common data structures and algorithms, try to learn advanced concepts like Red Black Trees, AVL Trees etc. These concepts are actually not required, even for coding interviews of FAANG.

5. Ignoring Clean Coding Principles, Design Principles and Patterns

In an interview, you would be expected to not only write functionally correct code but also a modular one. Apart from that, in interviews involving Low Level Design, it will also be necessary for you to follow the common Design Patterns, if applicable.



Dasharath Sapkale

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